Law Enforcement Certifications
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BASIC ACADEMY CERTIFICATION (480 Hour Residential Program)
Basic Classes are capped at 40 cadets to ensure the quality of training resulting from small cadet to instructor ratios.
Class 2025-01: Sunday, January 5, 2025 – Thursday, March 20, 2025
PT Test Dates: December 9 & December 16, 2024**
Class 2025-02: Sunday, April 6, 2025 – Thursday, June 19, 2025
PT Test Dates: March 3 & March 10, 2025** There will be an additional test date on 3/24/25. Inprocessing at 1200 / test at 1300
Class 2025-03: Sunday, July 6, 2025 – Thursday, September 18, 2025
PT Test Dates: June 2 & June 9, 2025**
Class 2025-04: Sunday, October 5, 2025 – Thursday, December 18, 2025
PT Test Dates: September 2 & September 8, 2025**
Inprocessing for the Pre PT Test will begin at 0800.
Applicants for the SRPSI Basic Law Enforcement Training Academy must turn in their completed applications, which includes their physical with physician's original signature, before the PT test can be conducted. Once the application has been completed, please send the original to the SRPSI at: Building 1481, 14th Street Camp Shelby, MS 39407-5500
Applicant may bring the application with completed physical to the scheduled PT test. Please contact a staff member prior to a scheduled PT test date to be added to the roster.
**CPR - denotes the date SRPSI will offer a CPR/1st Aid course for cadets needing certification after the completion of the Pre PT Test. The CPR/1st Aid course will begin at 1100. Cadets enrolled in CPR need to eat lunch prior to arrival for training. SRPSI will offer one course per scheduled class. MBLEOST requires everyone attending an academy to be CPR/First Aid Certified prior to starting academy training. The cost will be $50 per student.
$4000 (increased by BLEOST effective July 1, 2022)
Departments must provide each cadet a duty handgun w/ 3 magazines & patrol shotgun.
Cadets may not share firearms.
If department cannot provide a shotgun, contact SRPSI to coordinate use of a SRPSI
Ammunition is furnished for range week.
Departments must provide a patrol vehicle for cadets to use during EVOC and Patrol
Operations. If department cannot provide a vehicle, contact SRPSI to coordinate use
of a SRPSI patrol vehicle.
Departments with 2 or more cadets in a class, it is recommended no more than 2 cadets share 1 patrol car.
Each department is required to provide Brake Fluid, Transmission Fluid, Radiator Fluid,
Spare Tire, Jack, & fuel card w/ pin #. These are to be used in your agency's patrol
car only if needed and all unused items will be sent back with your cadet.
Cadet Packing List
Departments/Cadets may submit $350 to SRPSI for Items #1, #2, #3, #4, & #5.
If you would like to purchase ONLY T-shirts #1, it is $75
May be added to tuition invoice, billed separately, or paid via department check,
cash, or money order during pre-pt test. No personal checks, credit cards, or digital
(app) pay.
- Eight GOLD t-shirts w/ Last Name on back & SRPSI Logo on front - TO BE PURCHASED THROUGH SRPSI ONLY.
- Minimum of three NAVY BLUE sweat pants (No markings) NOT JOGGERS. CLASS 02 & 03 only needs 1 pair
- Minimum of three NAVY BLUE sweat shirts (Last name on back with WHITE 2" Capital Letters) - NO HOODIES. CLASS 02 & 03 only needs 1
- Minimum of four pairs of NAVY BLUE gym shorts (No markings)
Length of shorts must be below end of fingertips and above the knees when standing - Minimum of three NAVY BLUE tactical or BDU pants. Must have cargo pocket. No tight fitting or overs-sized pants.
- Minimum of one set of agency issued uniform (duty uniform). Long sleeve (with tie) is preferred. Shortsleeve allowed IF agency does not have long sleeve option.
- Raincoat
- Protective (Ballistic) vest (required daily wear) - Outer carriers are authorized.
- Reflective vest
- Full duty belt with holster, magazine pouch, handcuffs, handcuff case, handcuff key, duty weapon and 3 high capacity magazines. **Agency issued outer carriers are authorized in lieu of duty belt. We want you to train in what you will wear on duty.
- Uniform Jacket not required for Class 02 or 03
- Flashlight (may be issued or purchased) Handheld size
- BLACK cold weather skull cap with no markings (Dept. patch is okay) not required for Class 02 or 03
- Cold weather gloves - BLACK only - not required for Class 02 or 03
- Minimum of ten pairs of BLACK athletic crew length socks (no markings)
- One T-shirt undershirt for Class A – black, or deputy green/tan (sheriff dept only)
- Towels and wash cloths for five days, WHITE only
- Personal hygiene kit (i.e. soap, shampoo, razor, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, etc.)
- Boot polish kit (i.e. polish, brush, and rags)
- Sufficient underwear (two changes a day will be required due to physical activities)
- Uniform Duty Boots - BLACK only
- Running shoes (high quality)
- Shower shoes (rubber flip flops/slides/crocs)
- Mouthpiece for Defensive Tactics
- Protective Groin Cup with carrier (males only)
- Laundry bag, mesh only
- Laundry Detergent
- Battery powered or battery back-up alarm clock (wind up clock ok too)
- 32 oz water bottle (BLUE only) with screw top lid
- 10 plastic WHITE hangers
- 4 belt keepers
- Underbelt - Black
- Pillow is provided but may bring your own (WHITE/standard size only)
- Pocket Dictionary
- 5 subject spiral notebook with pocket dividers - Blue
TUITION: $4750
UNIFORM DEPOSIT: $350 Must be paid during pre-pt test paid via cash, certified check,
or money order during pre-pt test. No personal checks, credit cards, or digital
(app) pay.
We accept self pay, Montgomery & Post 9/11 GI Bill, MPACT.
Grant funded financial aid is available to those who qualify through WIN Jobs. Contact us at 601.266.6680 for more information.
Cadet Packing List
- Flashlight (may be issued or purchased) Handheld size
- BLACK cold weather skull cap with no markings (Department patch is okay) not required for Class 02 or 03
- Cold weather gloves - BLACK only - not required for Class 02 or 03
- Minimum of ten pairs of BLACK athletic crew length socks (no markings)
- One black T-shirt (undershirt for Class A)
- Towels and wash cloths for five days, WHITE only
- Personal hygiene kit (i.e. soap, shampoo, razor, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, etc.)
- Boot polish kit (i.e. polish, brush, and rags)
- Sufficient underwear (two changes a day may be required due to physical activities)
- Uniform Duty Boots - BLACK only
- Running shoes (high quality)
- Shower shoes
- Mouthpiece for Defensive Tactics
- Protective Groin Cup with carrier (males only)
- Laundry bag, mesh only
- Laundry Detergent
- Battery powered or battery back-up alarm clock (wind up clock ok too)
- 32 oz water bottle (BLUE only) with screw top lid
- 10 plastic WHITE hangers
- 4 belt keepers
- Underbelt - Black
- Pillow is provided but may bring your own (WHITE/standard size only)
- Pocket Dictionary
- 5 subject spiral notebook with pocket dividers - Blue
The Mississippi Board of Law Enforcement Officers Standards and Training (MS-BLEOST) requires the following documents before issuing certification. If your agency has not already submitted this documentation, it is up to you to bring it with you on the start date of the academy.
Application with original signatures (no copies).
High School Diploma, GED or high school transcript.
N.C.I.C. III Background Printout or copy of printout. (Self Sponsor - need release
Copy of current driver's license or Printout. (Must be valid through the graduation
date of the class)
It is recommended that prospective students contact the SRPSI for additional details prior to purchasing new equipment. Clothing items may have no additional markings other that what is listed above. For questions regarding equipment requirements contact us at 601-266-6680 or email.
REFRESHER TRAINING (200 Hour Non-Residential Program)
Classes are held in conjunction with the basic academy classes and are spread out over the basic academy 11-week period.
Students enrolled in the Refresher Class only attend training on days where specific curricula are covered as required by BLEOST.
Refresher applicants must complete the MS BLEOST application and successfully complete 50% on the physical fitness entry test,
The first day of Refresher Training is generally on Tuesday following the start date of the basic class.
To be enrolled as a Refresher Student, you must provide the verification letter from MS BLEOST stating "Refresher" certification is what is required.
Tuition: $1500
Classes are held in conjunction with the basic academy classes and are spread out over the basic academy 11-week period.
Students enrolled for a Skills Update will only attend training on days where specific curricula are covered as required by BLEOST.
To be enrolled as a Skill Update Student, you must provide the verification letter from MS BLEOST stating "Skill Update" certification is what is required.
Tuition: $1000
Contact the SRPSI by phone at 601.266.6680 or Email to enroll and request a copy of the schedule.
To request a copy of your training record to include certificates and/or grade sheet complete the consent form by clicking here. Mail or physically bring the form and $20 (cash, money order, or certified check payable to SRPSI) to obtain your records. No Exams will be released at any time. We do not accept any type of credit cards, digital or electronic payment, or personal checks.